UCC Daily Devotionals
Lenten Invitation 2024
Worship Services
10:30 a.m. Worship Service 11:30 a.m. Coffee and Cookies Fellowship
Childcare provided through the worship service. Children’s Christian education classes held during worship from September-May.
Watch our worship service video recordings at anytime!
We celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion, the visible sign of God’s love for us, on the first Sunday of each month. This celebration is personal, communal, vital, and open. All are invited to participate. Come and taste the goodness of God!

We approach Scripture as God’s Word to us, the central story that tells us who we are and Whose we are, deepening us spiritually and challenging us to serve. We read the Bible seriously, not literally, appreciating the complexity of this library of diverse writings and viewpoints that comes together in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. We trust in the Holy Spirit to bring our questions and thoughts to fruition in the pursuit of discipleship.

The fresh, open style of our worship space invites us into the intimate friendship and incomprehensible mystery of our loving, transforming God. Wherever you are on the journey of life and faith, this space is yours to encounter God’s grace.