Online Giving and Endowment
“I will not offer to the Lord my God sacrifices that have cost me nothing.”
— 2 Samuel 24:24
We affirm the biblical view of tithing, which means giving 10% of a person’s income to the church, however there is great variety in how people regard that practice.
We affirm with Scripture that people should give not out of compulsion but out of their love for God, because God loves a cheerful giver (2 Corinthians 9:7). Each year in the Fall, we ask for Planned Giving cards for the coming calendar year to be turned in, which is used to establish the church budget. A statement of one’s giving is mailed quarterly. No one is contacted if he/she falls behind in that plan, and only bookkeeping staff know a person’s giving history. We will gladly talk with you if you have questions about giving. We believe that financial accountability is of the utmost importance.
All financial gifts offered during worship are counted twice by two separate members and registered with our bookkeeper. While the ministers are unaware of the giving amount of each family, bookkeeping records are always available for review by our Church Treasurer and the Chair of our Board of Trustees. All who contribute are given a Statement of Giving at the end of each quarter.
We are now offering the convenience of online giving for those who would like this option. To learn more about giving through direct deductions, e-check or money order, send an email to
The Michigan Conference of the United Church of Christ has recommended Vanco Solutions as our online giving company that operates a secure website for online giving. When you click on the following link you will be taken to our secure page at their website on which you can make your one-time or recurring gifts to the First Congregational Church.
Online Giving
Giving to the Endowment Fund
Learn more about our endowment fund that exists to enhance the mission of our Church in ways beyond what we can do with our annual budget.
Learn more about how you can give to the Endowment Fund by exploring FIVE helpful resources: