Sundays at 10:30 a.m.
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Our Vision and Mission
As believers in Jesus Christ, we will be a church of vibrant Christians.
We welcome people to faith in Jesus Christ to:
Discover God
Equip One Another for Life
Reach Inward and Outward to Serve
Daily Prayer
“Draw near to God, and God will draw near to you.” – James 4:8
Prayer is the practice of drawing near.
The Bible is a vital way God reveals divine intentions and desires, opening our eyes, hearts, and minds to God’s grace-filled love.
Weekly Worship
When we worship, we turn our full and humble attention to God, and we are always surprised to discover God filling us with certainty.

Generous Giving
Giving something of our everything is the most visible sign of “walking our talk.” We are what we do, what we offer, what we give.
Selfless Serving
Jesus lived a life serving the least lovable in acts and attitudes of helping, healing, reconciling and restoring, bringing joy to both healed and healer.
Spiritual Friendships
Deepening friendships with others in and through our faith community is an important aspect of discipleship: They are where we find encouragement for the journey, and mutual love and service.
To learn more about FCC, please visit the “About” page.