About Us
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Our Identity
We are an Open and Affirming community: Because we believe each person is made in God’s Image, we welcome all persons into the life and worship of this congregation.

Our Mission
We welcome people to faith in Jesus Christ to:
Discover God
The foundation of all that we are and do as Christians is the presence and power of God. We treasure that God has created each of us as unique persons, and we celebrate how we repeatedly discover community through Jesus Christ. We discover God in worship, in fellowship, and in the stories and teachings of the Bible, through which God continues to speak. The love of this “discoverable” God inspires and motivates us to live life fully.
Equip One Another For Life
God meets us in our own individual journeys and invites us to help one another navigate the waters of life. We do that with worship services that reveal a God who cares about us intimately. We aim to not only teach our children in Sunday School and youth group but celebrate from infancy through adulthood every stage of growth. We encourage shared learning and support through various small groups like Women’s Fellowship, Men’s Ministry, Christian Education classes, and music ministries. These opportunities support friendships and encourage us to grow together in spiritual fellowship.
Reach Inward & Outward to Serve
We strive for balance. Scripture reveals that God’s love for us comes purely as a gift. As a result of experiencing that gracious, redeeming love, we accept the privilege and responsibility to reach out to others in Christ’s name. To reach “inward” is to take care of our ourselves and those within the personal circles of connection we each have.
We seek to grow as disciples of Jesus Christ through these six practices:
Daily Prayer
(James 4:8)
The Bible is a vital way God reveals divine intentions and desires, opening our eyes, hearts, and minds to God’s grace-filled love.
Weekly Worship
When we worship, we turn our full and humble attention to God, and we are always surprised to discover God filling us with certainty.
Generous Giving
Giving something of our everything is the most visible sign of “walking our talk.” We are what we do, what we offer, what we give.
Selfless Serving
Jesus lived a life of serving the least lovable in acts and attitudes of helping, healing, reconciling and restoring, bringing joy to both healed and healer.
Spiritual Friendships
Deepening friendships with others in and through our faith community is an important aspect of discipleship: They are where we find encouragement for the journey, and mutual love and service.